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Friday, May 7, 2010

This week

This week has been a whirlwind. It passed by so fast. There was public holiday on Monday becaause Saturday was labour day, so that was a long weekend spent with my cousin having fun. Then yesterday as you would know from my last post wasYar'Adua's death. So I skipped two days of school leaving only three days of the week, which is utterly AWESOME!! And now weekend is here to enjoy!Lucky

Thursday, May 6, 2010

6th May 2010

Today is a sad day, that's am writing in Grey. That's because today our president Umaru Yar'Adua died today (as I am living in Nigeria, and half Nigerian). Even though we expected it because of his long illness it is still a shock. There was no school today because it is a public holiday to honour and mourn for our late president. Sha I can't say am sad that I didn't go to school. And I don't really feel sad but it is sad. Anyway our driver got sacked because he was draining money out of our parents slowly. They didn't notice until today so he got sad and it is a relief.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I didn't feel it

When he came over
with two of his friends
to tell me it was over.
I didn't feel it.

When he said
that we didn't
I didn't feel it.

When he said
even though we aren't together
we could be friends.
I didn't feel it.

I didn't feel it.
Not a thing.
He was my first frenchie and all.
But I still didn't feel it.

I knew it!

When he looked at me
For the first time
I knew, deep in my heart
That something had changed

When he looked at me
My world rearranged
And a new form appeared
One that made sense

When he looked at me
Probably I was kidding myself
But I realised I loved him
And I knew he did too

I can't forget

I can't forget
Even though
I didn't feel it
when he broke up with me

I still remember
what it was like
when he said he liked me
and I said I liked him too
and the class cheered

I can't forget the word he said
"I'm 13 and I like you too"
affected me like
no one else did

Probably that's why
I can't
forget him.
Like a hole
in my chest.

His Light

His face
Shining in the dark
Like light of the sun
To my eyes

His crystal clear eyes
penetrates through me
and sets everything

His aura
rotates around him
and makes my eyes awake
as if blind
but reborn
and able to see again
through His Light

Make a Change!

How come, there is poverty
How come, everyday
People dying out of starvation
Why is it in our countries
there are good people but
bad government?

Why can't we stand up
to all the thing that are
wrong in the world
and make a change?

We can do it
If we believe
We can do it
If we say no to all of this
and make a change
in our lives